An experimental investigation of fiber bragg grating transverse load sensitivity 光栅横向负载敏感特性的实验研究
The codes were prog rammed to calculate bearing load and bearing load sensitivity . the thoughts and methods of acquiring remote distributed knowledge based on network are elucidated . remote procedure calls based on the internet were realized 编写了轴承负荷计算和轴承负荷敏感度计算程序,论述了基于网络的异地调用的思想及理论方法,实现了基于网络的异地调用。
Load sensitivity matrix and elevation sensitivity matrix were educed . the equation can solve bearing load sensitivity and elevation sensitivity in multi - support rotor - bearing system by generalizing . the results of utilizing these equations to analyze bearing loads agree with known performances 讨论了轴承负荷敏感度计算方法和标高敏感度计算方法,建立了轴承负荷敏感度矩阵和标高敏感度矩阵,该方程可推广到求解多支承转子?轴承系统的轴承负荷敏感度和标高敏感度,利用该负荷敏感度矩阵和标高敏感度矩阵对轴承负荷分析所得的结论与实际情况一致。